Street construction to begin around the Palace of Fine Arts

Flyers went up around the Palace of Fine Arts in early July regarding construction work that will be taking place on city streets surrounding the site. The notice, titled “Palace of Fine Arts Parking Mitigation Project,” addresses intersection improvements and curb ramp installations rather than parking issues. Three specific areas are slated for the upcoming street construction.

On Lyon Street, between Richardson Avenue and Bay Street:
· reconfiguring the intersection
· modifying the traffic signals
· repairing roadway base and resurfacing roadway with asphalt
· constructing ADA compliant curb ramps
· relocating a street light and catch basin

On Marina Boulevard, between Baker Street and Doyle Drive:
· reconfiguring the intersection
· modifying the traffic signals
· repairing roadway base and resurfacing roadway with asphalt
· constructing ADA compliant curb ramps

On Palace Drive, behind the Palace of Fine Arts:
· constructing ADA compliant curb ramps

The notice did not provide a specific start date (though it stated “in approximately one month”) and the work is estimated to take approximately three months to complete.

The majority of construction is to be performed during “regular work day hours.” However, the Municipal Transportation Agency requires traffic mitigation considerations during commute hours, so a small portion of work that could affect commuter traffic will be performed from 9 p.m.–6 a.m. Sunday through Thursday. Although weekend work is allowed, it is not currently expected to be required.

Traffic may be temporarily delayed at times as a result of intersection and lane closures necessary to complete the work. Streets will be posted 72 hours in advance of any work with “No Parking / Tow Away” signs to alert the public of construction and parking restrictions.

Access to private and commercial buildings will be maintained at all times.

For further information, you are asked to contact Alex Murillo, Department of Public Works public affairs officer (415-437-7009) or Jason Zook, S.F. Recreations and Parks Department (415-581-2545). As of press time, neither contact could confirm the starting date for this project.