Books Inc. Marina's best-seller list

The Books Inc. Marina best-seller list

Best Seller Book

1. Social Animal by David Brooks (nonfiction, hardcover)
2. Three Stages Of Amazement by Carol Edgarian (fiction, hardcover)
3. The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman (fiction, paperback)
4. Moonwalking With Einstein by Joshua Foer (nonfiction, hardcover)
5. Big Short by Michael Lewis (nonfiction, paperback)
6. The Thousand Autumns Of Jacob De Zoet by David Mitchell (fiction, paperback)
7. This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper (fiction, paperback)
8. The Mouse And The Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary (kids fiction, paperback)
9. The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht (fiction, hardcover)
10. Red by Sammy Hagar (nonfiction, hardcover)

New and noteworthy staff picks

Nonfiction: Physics Of The Future by Michio Kaku

Think electronics have taken over? You haven’t seen the half of what the future has in store. Microchips in your clothes, handheld MRI machines … think your iPad is cool? Just wait for the iWall. Kaku is a visionary.

– Amadeus Martin

Hemlock Cup: Socrates, Athens, and the Search for the Good Life by Bettany Huges

Beat the rush and grab this marvelous telling of ancient times by a British classicist who can tell a good story. In my opinion, it’s sure to contend for the best history book of 2011.

– Bill Dito


Nonfiction: The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuck

WineLibraryTV, VaynerMedia, books, speaking engagements, and a nonstop mind … Gary Vaynerchuck is full of ideas to help you and your business succeed today. A self-made social media giant, Gary’s advice is both irreverent and right on target. The most important relationship in business, big or small, is the one-on-one relationship – to customers and employees alike.

– Rich Ciccotelli


Moonwalking with Einstein

Nonfiction: Moonwalking With Einstein by Joshua Foer

If you’re like me, you find yourself forgetting more stuff everyday. With cell phones and Google, I feel like I never put anything to memory anymore. Science journalist Joshua Foer was the same way. His new book follows his journey into cutting-edge memory techniques that lead him to the U.S. Memory Championship. Along the way, he learns what impact memory has on our lives.

– Rich Ciccotelli


For Kids

Classics I forgot to read: The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary

Fans of rodents and speeding vehicles rejoice! Here is the book for you. It’s impossible not to love Beverly Cleary’s wonderful tale of a boy, a mouse, and the motorcycle that brings them together.

– Anna Logan


Rich Ciccotelli is the manager of Books Inc. in the Marina.