Summer travel tips

With summer in full swing, many families make plans to head out of town either for a long weekend or a few weeks to find some sun and relax. Traveling with children can be stressful and requires extra planning and patience, so whether you go by car or by plane here are some tips to help make the journey as pleasant as your final destination.

On a Child’s Schedule
When planning your summer getaway, keep your child’s schedule in mind and try to plan around it. For younger ones, a flight before (but not right before) a nap often works best. As tempting as the red-eye may seem, remember that evening flights do not work for all children. The excitement of the trip and the stimulation of all that is going on around them can make it hard for them to settle down. As a mom who has survived several of these flights, there is nothing worse than an overtired child in a confined space for an extended period of time. If a red-eye is your only option, it never hurts to pack a few Starbucks gift cards in your bag. This little gesture to the people around you will go a long way and be much appreciated.

Another important tip for planning is to allow extra time. It always takes longer than you think to get children and the gear they require from one place to another. Allowing plenty of time, and therefore not rushing, will help keep everyone calm and reduce the “PTT,” or pretrip tension as we like to call it in our family. If driving, remember to factor in bathroom stops and time for everyone to stretch their legs and let off a little steam. Finding a park or even an empty parking lot where little ones can get their “wiggles” out will help a lot.

Entertainment for the Trip
Whether traveling with a 2-year-old or a 14-year-old, parents are always concerned about how to keep their kids entertained. For younger children, I have found it helps to pack something new that is a surprise for them when they get on the plane or in the car. This can be something small and easy to pack like a toy, sticker book or doodle pad. For older children, you can find almost all of your favorite games available in a travel version. Bingo and Go Fish are some of our family’s favorites. A Child’s Delight on Lombard is a great place to find entertaining items for all ages that are easy to pack.

If after a few hundred games of tic-tac-toe you need a little break, a movie or video game is a tried-and-true winner. This is a simple and easy way to keep kids entertained for long periods of time thanks to iPads and portable DVD players. Download a few new activities before the trip or check out movies (up to seven days) from the local library.

Food on the Go
Packing plenty of snacks and food is a good travel tip for both children and parents alike. Delays, traffic and waiting in line can all be aggravating parts of traveling that are only exacerbated by low blood sugar. Food along the highway, in the airport, and on the plane is often high in fat and full of sugar, so plan ahead and pack high-energy snacks like fruit, nuts and cheese. I also like to pack a few little treats that can be used in an emergency as a bribe. Some of our favorites are lollipops and Tic Tacs. Both are easy to pack and will keep kids happily quiet for at least a few minutes.

Summer vacations are a lifelong memory of childhood, so after all the stress of planning and getting to your destination, do not forget the most important thing is to have fun. Summer is a great time for a more relaxed schedule and plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors and each other.

Wherever your travels take you, I hope it is relaxing, safe and fun for everyone.

Liz Farrell lives in San Francisco and is the mother of two young children. She was formerly a television producer in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. E-mail: [email protected]