The end of an era

Officer John Gallagher
Officer John Gallagher will retire after 41 years with the San Francisco Police Department. July 3, 2011, will be his last day with Northern Station.

A lifetime San Francisco resident, John grew up in the Marina District and graduated from Galileo High School. An old San Franciscan, John still pronounces Greenwich Street as “green witch.”

John became a San Francisco police officer in 1970 at the tender age of 21. He spent almost his entire career working at Northern Station. Early in his career, he walked the Union and Chestnut Street foot beats. And for the last 31 years, he has worked as the permit officer for the many captains that have been assigned to Northern Station. The permit officer position is generally a hand-picked position, and for him to endure all of the many different personalities that have sat in my chair speaks volumes for his abilities. What I find incredible was that even after such a long time doing the same job, John still enjoyed coming to work every day.

Any person or business requiring a police or alcohol permit in the Northern District would have to go through John. The position of permit officer requires a different skill set than that of a “regular” police officer. Because of his personality, John made the transition between the two roles effortlessly. He is the consummate professional, level-headed, jovial, outgoing, and engaging. Additionally, he has come to know the obscure ordinances that govern police permits like the back of his hand, some dating back to the 1920s. These traits and his knowledge served him well as he dealt with members of the business community. John always looked at the big picture and balanced the needs of the community and the concerns of the captain with the desires of various businesses.

Over the years, John has provided such a high level of service that many groups from the Marina Merchants Association to the Entertainment Commission and Mayor’s Office have recognized his efforts through plaques, lunches and parties. His retirement is a great loss to Northern Station and the San Francisco Police Department. I congratulate him and wish him nothing but good luck, good health, and many top-shelf Manhattans in retirement.

John can never be replaced but taking his position will be Officer Joe Boyle, who is transitioning from 25 years on patrol (many of those in the five-car Marina detail) to the administrative function of permit officer. He is very skilled and capable (though I don’t think he will be doing it for 31 years!).

Video, Video, Video …
I have written about it in many forms, but it is proving to be a more and more valuable piece of evidence as we work to bring criminals to justice. We have solved street robberies, shootings, burglaries, etc. Certainly if you own a business, I would encourage you to purchase some form of video recording device. Video devices can act as a deterrent or catch a criminal in the act. And they are far more affordable than in the past.

On Another Note …
I was at a meeting recently and a program manager made a plea to others in an effort to hire TAY (transitional age youth) kids. Today’s economic environment is not the best to make the plea in, but the manager said the youth were interested in gaining work experience and would work even for a stipend. If you have the need or can handle employing one of these youth, send me an e-mail and I will put you in contact with the program manager.

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