In mid-December, the National Park Service (NPS) released its preferred plan for restricting off-leash areas for dogs in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Once the plan is made official in January, the new rules will be rolled out for enforcement beginning in March 2017.
The NPS says that both off-leash and on-leash areas will exist at Crissy Field, for example, and Baker Beach will no longer allow off-leash walking for dogs.

The proposed restrictions on off-leash areas for dogs in the GGNRA touched off a storm of protest from local dog-owners (“New GGNRA rule could make most beaches off limits to all dogs,” Marina Times, April 2016). Local citizens and community groups, such as the Marina Community Association, and the Board of Supervisors, opposed the rule.
For details on the GGNRA’s plan and a link to maps showing the affected areas, visit nps.gov/goga/getinvolved/dog-plan-feis.htm.