News Briefs

Lombard changes

The start of construction on Lombard shifted from September — as reported in last month’s News Briefs — to Oct. 1. According to San Francisco Public Works, the work on Lombard Street Vision Zero will proceed on the following schedule: The intersection of Richardson Avenue and Francisco Street will have traffic signal electrical work done Oct. 1–12 and curb ramp replacement Oct. 18–Nov. 2; the intersection of Richardson Avenue and Chestnut Street will have traffic signal electrical work done Oct. 15–26 and catch basin/culvert work done on the sewer Oct. 29–Nov. 2; and on Lombard Street from Richardson Avenue to Broderick Street there will be more traffic signal electrical work Oct. 29–Nov. 9.

Barricades and signage will be put up in affected areas at least 72 hours in advance of the start of the work. To check for updates, visit

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