In February, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) released its proposal for “dog management” and, despite angry public feedback, it has chosen to move forward with a rule that would drastically restrict not only off-leash but also on-leash dog walking in areas such as Ocean Beach, Fort Funston, Crissy Field, Sutro Heights Park, Lands End, and Baker Beach. If the proposed rule is finalized, about 75 percent of Ocean Beach would be off limits to all dogs.
District 4 Supervisor Katy Tang introduced a resolution March 1 at the Board of Supervisors opposing the proposed rule; supervisors Wiener, Yee, Farrell, Breed, Campos, Avalos, and Cohen co-sponsored it.

In a March newsletter to her constituents, Tang said, “The GGNRA was established with a goal of making open space more available to a broader segment of the public and so that urban-dwelling families would not have to drive far to access open space. Yet, the proposed rule on dog management runs counter to this original mission.”
Critics argue that this proposed rule is extreme and unfair, and it would have disastrous effects on city parks, where people will end up if they can’t go to GGNRA beaches — including professional dog walkers with 8 to 10 each.
The proposed rule is open for public comment through May 25. The public can provide feedback at regulations.gov (search: RIN 1024-AE16) or by mail: Superintendent, GGNRA, Attn: Dog Man-agement Proposed Rule, Building 201, Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA 94123.