Marijuana dispensary The Apothecarium’s plans to open a Marina location will get a Board of Appeals hearing on Wednesday, June 22. The hearing will begin at 5 p.m., but the exact time at which this case will be considered won’t be known until that day.
The hearing will deal with plans to add a second store at 2414 Lombard (Apothecarium’s first dispensary is located in the Castro’s Market Street corridor). Though the company is well regarded in the Castro, it has met resistance in the Marina. The Cow Hollow Association has expressed its concern that the location is across the street from the Edward II, an at-risk youth residential housing project.

Meanwhile, The Apo-thecarium reports that it has received support from many current and past board members of the Marina Community Association, Golden Gate Valley Neighborhood Association, Lombard Business Merchant Association, and the Cow Hollow Association.