
Baden Bower Reveals Critical PR Strategies Amid the Post Office Horizon Scandal

The inquiry into the Post Office Horizon scandal continues to reveal unsettling details, increasing public concern about the scale of the injustice. Issues like compensation delays, keeping employees tied to the scandal, and maintaining strict subpostmaster contracts have made it even harder for the Post Office to rebuild its image. 

Baden Bower, a trusted PR agency, shares its thoughts on the PR challenges and strategies that can help the Post Office recover from this wide-reaching scandal.


New Revelations Show Ongoing Problems

Recent updates have brought to light even more disturbing facts. Many victims still wait for compensation, and some have sadly passed away before getting the justice they deserve. This long delay has worsened the pain for those involved, creating a wave of public frustration and mistrust toward the Post Office.

In addition, some employees connected to the scandal are still working for the Post Office, which has sparked concerns about accountability within the organization. Even though these individuals have been reassigned, their continued employment raises doubts about the Post Office’s internal reforms. Partnering with a B2B PR agency allows the Post Office to address public concerns better and demonstrate genuine reform efforts.

The inquiry also highlighted that many clauses allowing for investigations still exist in many subpostmaster contracts, maintaining a sense of fear and distrust. These outdated contracts suggest the organization has not fully committed to meaningful change, further damaging its efforts to regain public trust.

“In a crisis this big, being transparent is key. To win back the public, the Post Office needs to communicate openly and show real accountability in its actions,” says AJ Ignacio, CEO of Baden Bower.

Compensation Delays and Their Impact on PR

The slow pace of compensation significantly leaves many victims without the help they need. This delay significantly hinders a company trying to fix its reputation and signals a lack of urgency to address past mistakes.

“Clear and compassionate communication is essential when handling compensation in scandals like this. Organizations must explain any delays and offer regular updates to show they’re actively working on it,” Ignacio emphasizes. Baden Bower’s strategy focuses on getting the company’s message out in the media, demonstrating a commitment to transparency.

“Baden Bower’s strategy centers on proactive PR reputation management,” Ignacio explains. “We want to highlight the steps to fix the issues and guarantee the public sees progress.”

Handling Employee Retention During a Crisis

The continued employment of some employees involved in the scandal complicates accountability issues at the Post Office. Even though these employees have been moved to different roles, their presence suggests the organization has not fully addressed the problem.

“Finding a balance between maintaining stability and showing accountability is a tough task,” Ignacio points out. “Organizations must clearly communicate their personnel decisions to show both fairness and a willingness to change.”

Baden Bower recommends emphasizing internal reforms. Highlighting these improvements through media coverage helps the organization guide public perception toward a more positive view.

Subpostmaster Contracts: A Roadblock to Rebuilding Trust

Another major hurdle for the Post Office is the continued use of contracts with investigatory powers. These contracts, widely criticized for perpetuating a culture of fear among subpostmasters, remain in place even after the scandal. Revising these terms critically restores trust with key stakeholders.

“In a crisis, it’s important to align internal policies with promises of reform,” says Ignacio. “Every part of the organization’s operations must reflect its commitment to change. Updating these contracts would be a strong sign of moving forward.”

Baden Bower would use its media contacts to help the Post Office get featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and other top-tier publications and spread the word about any changes being made. This would show the public that tangible steps are being taken to rebuild trust with subpostmasters. 

“Focusing on progress helps shift the conversation from past mistakes to future improvements,” Ignacio adds.

A Long Path to Repairing Reputation

The Post Office Horizon scandal shows how much damage poor crisis management can cause to a company’s reputation. The organization must confront the wrongs of the past while proving it is committed to real change.

“The road to restoring trust is long and challenging. To succeed, organizations need to be transparent, face hard truths, and show genuine reforms,” Ignacio concludes. These next steps will be crucial in helping the Post Office regain public confidence.

The lessons from this scandal will guide future crisis management, showing how important it is to prioritize strategic and honest communication to protect a company’s reputation.

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