Northern District Captain Greg McEachern urged residents to take efforts to avoid becoming a victim of crime during a rise in crime rates in the city.
The statistics for violent crimes in San Francisco from May 2014 to May 2015 show a citywide increase in homicide of 140 percent with a 400 percent increase in the Northern District; rapes were down 7 percent citywide and down 47 percent in the Northern District; robberies were up 27 percent citywide but down 21 percent in the Northern District; and aggravated assault was up 3 percent citywide and up 20 percent in the Northern District.

Property crimes are also up. Auto thefts both citywide and in the Northern District are up about 20 percent; thefts from autos are up 45 percent citywide and 69 percent in the Northern District; arsons are up 48 percent citywide and 109 percent in the Northern District; and other theft is up 6 percent citywide and 18 percent in the Northern District. Burglaries are the sole part of this category that saw a decline — down 7 percent citywide and down 13 percent in the Northern District.
McEachern reminded people to lock their vehicles and remove all valuables from plain sight. “It is a big deterrent to becoming a victim,” according to McEachern. He also asked people to report any suspicious activity or behavior that might be related to crime.