News Briefs

Housing Problems Start Here

Larkin Street Youth Services says “the best way to end homelessness in San Francisco in the next 10 years is by bringing youth to the forefront and supporting solutions that address major roots of the crisis.” That is the whole point of the Larkin organization, but it is a particularly pointed comment in light of the group’s still-unfulfilled ambitions to turn the old Edward II Inn on Lombard Street into housing for young adults vulnerable to becoming homeless. The CEQA Working Group issued a case study reporting that local NIMBY opposition has resulted in two years of delay, missed project funding deadlines, and about $200,000 in additional costs being added to the project. 

In November 2013, the San Francisco Planning Department issued a letter of determination concerning the determination of income eligibility for residents in the development. So planning continues, but the project is still on the slow track.


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