Market Maker

Kilby Stenkamp

Five questions
Kilby Stenkamp

What do you think about the San Francisco real estate market these days?

Stenkamp: The market is hot! We’re seeing multiple offers on many of our listings. There is pent up buyer demand, and a great many buyers are actively searching taking advantage of historically low rates.


Ironically, we have a shortage of homes available for sale. So in some significant ways, it’s become a seller’s market.

What types of properties do you think will be hottest in the next 12 months (and why)?

The technology boom we’re experiencing will drive up sales and prices in the southern neighborhoods of San Francisco – Noe Valley and surrounding neighborhoods – because of their close proximity to Silicon Valley commuter corridors. Single family homes in all neighborhoods are always in demand in a hot market. We’re also seeing investment properties sell well with the equally hot rental market and investment financing coming back.

What was the most exciting sale you had in the last two years?

We’ve been involved in so many exciting sales in the last couple of years, but I’d have to say the most unusual one involved the sale of a church. It was an enormous Gothic Revival style building and we staged it as a single family home. Ultimately, it was purchased by a local school – a perfect fit.

What do you like to do when you are not selling real estate?

It’s a 24/7 business. We’re constantly connected to buyers and sellers, wherever we are, so I’m not sure there’s actual downtime anymore. The lines between personal and professional life are blurring for us, as they are for so many. Still, the thing I love most is spending time with my family.

When you have visitors from out of town, where do you take them to show off the city?

I love to take visitors all over town, there are so many exciting things to do in San Francisco. Up to Twin Peaks, over to Fort Point, out to Lands End, through a museum or two, over to Coit Tower, then a casual bite in North Beach followed by “Beach Blanket Babylon” or a comedy show. The next morning we start again on a new adventure.

Kilby Stenkamp
Sales Manager at Hill & Co. Real Estate
[email protected]
(415) 370-7582
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