Coast to Coast

Meet The Artist: Ireland Wisdom

Ireland Wisdom (Photo by Ian Rosenzweig)

In this week’s edition of Meet The Artist Monday, L.A. Weekly Arts Editor Shana Nys Dambrot introduces readers to painter Ireland Wisdom. Known for her life-size oil portraits and use of live models, Dambrot describes Wisdom as an artist that creates a rich pageant of modern Bohemia. Wisdom’s first solo show in Los Angeles, Best of Bone and Blood, opens October 22nd at Carlye Packer

“Painter Ireland Wisdom’s life and art both merge a love of history with an immersion in the new and now,” writes Dambrot. “Growing up in a Los Angeles scene anchored by an eclectic community of artists, poets, and the famous free-thinkers of Altadena’s Zorthian Ranch, she has continued to explore this intentional family both at the ranch and in her Historic Core studio. But her training as an artist happened in an even deeper historical core — the Renaissance-steeped academies of Florence, Italy where she learned a classical technique and a Romantic language of symbolism, dress, and pose.”

Read more on LA Weekly here. 

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