News Briefs

Nevius on Waterfront Height Limits

“[Prop B says] that anyone who wants to build something taller than the current height limits along the waterfront … would have to take it to an election…. Elections are going to happen over and over and over. Art Agnos is saying, ‘I sleep better at night knowing that the people of San Francisco will get to vote on this.’ But … if you want to build something and have to win an election, what are you going to do? Are you just going to throw it on the ballot and hope for the best? Or are you going to arrange a meeting … with Aaron Peskin and Art Agnos and say, ‘What would it take to get your support for this?’ Rather than make it the voice of the people, we’re encouraging a backroom deal.”

— San Francisco Chronicle columnist C.W. Nevius, on the Week to Week political round-table program


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