Coast to Coast

Orange County’s Proposed Veterans Cemetery Receives Bill Support


In his latest piece for Irvine Weekly, Evan J. Lancaster reports on the progress of the Orange County veterans cemetery. Whilst it has been a long process, there has been positive movement forward thanks to diligent and steadfast work of local veterans groups and their families. Legislators have now successfully moved the supporting bill for the OC-based cemetery, AB1595, which now awaits California Governor Gavin Newsom’s approval. 

“On Thursday, August 25, AB1595 received unanimous bipartisan support on the Senate floor with a 75-0 vote,” writes Lancaster. “While no specific site is mentioned in the legislative language, AB1595, which is authored by Assemblymembers Tom Umberg and Sharon Quirk-Silva, opens the door for two potential sites in Orange County.”


Read the full article on Irvine Weekly here.

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