San Francisco Village is a citywide network helping city residents over the age of 60 remain independent in their homes and neighborhoods. It is inviting the public and potential participants to a free informational meeting at the Moscone Recreation Center (1800 Chestnut) on Sunday, Nov. 2, 2:30–4 p.m.
“As we age, our social networks diminish,” says Jean-Marie Campbell, a San Francisco Village member who lives in the Marina. “The need to create community, to meet new people who share similar passions, or to provide support to our local elders in need, is profound. Many local seniors do not meet the threshold for receiving public support, which is why we’re organizing — to fill the gap between the services and community that seniors in San Francisco most need, that aren’t provided anywhere else.”

Village members participate in classes, outings, and social events, drawing on a network of service providers for everything from transportation to meal preparation to computer assistance. Even if you’re under the age of 60, you might be interested in showing up to the November meeting to see how you can volunteer.
You can find more information at sfvillage.org.