The Marina Green Bicycle Trail Improvement Project will complete a vital pedestrian and bicycle link in the San Francisco Bay Trail between Fort Mason and Crissy Field. This segment serves thousands of residents, commuters, and tourists on a daily basis.
This project will improve the safety and quality of experience for all users by creating a Class I, multi-use path for bicyclists and pedestrians on the north side of Marina Boulevard between Laguna and Lyon Streets, a distance of 1.5 miles. The path design will separate east- and west-bound bicyclists from pedestrians – presently, these two modes share the same right-of-way.

The project also complements the recent repaving of Marina Boulevard.
Construction began in November 2012 and is expected to last six months. Trail improvements will be completed prior to the arrival of the America’s Cup finals in 2013.
The Department of Public Works worked closely with a large group of stakeholders to design the improvements, including the Recreation and Park Department, the Bay Trail Project, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, and San Francisco Beautiful.
Project highlights include:
- Redesigning pedestrian and vehicle crossings to improve safety
- Improving ADA access
- Relocating traffic signs, signal lights and street lights
- Planting five new street trees
- Striping pedestrian and bike trail to provide dedicated space
- Renovating and repaving approximately one mile of the trail to create a wider trail
- Removing nine wood traffic bollards and replacing with 10 new metal traffic bollards
- Installing bike and pedestrian signals along the trail
The project has an estimated cost of $1.25 million, with current funding from sources that include a CMA block grant, Prop K funds, and Bay Area Air Quality Management District and Bay Trail grants.