Coast to Coast

Orange County Veterans Cemetery Progresses

The Office of Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva

In their latest piece for Irvine Weekly, journalist Evan J. Lancaster reports that California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed AB1595, also known as the Orange County veterans cemetery bill, ensuring that the building of the long-awaited cemetery continues to progress forward. Writes Lancaster: as one of the authors of AB1595, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva said the governor’s approval is a notable achievement for so many veterans, their families and legislators that have helped support their vision.

“I have fought alongside veterans, local leaders, community advocates and my legislative colleagues in support of a Southern California veterans cemetery site in my district since 2014. With Governor Newsom’s signage of AB1595, the last piece has fallen into place for the authorization of this much-needed and long-awaited final resting place in Orange County for the men and women who courageously served our nation in the armed forces,” she said.


Read more on Irvine Weekly here. 

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