Coast to Coast

Parents Play Key Role In Teen Success

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Liz Farrell of the Marina Times explores how parents play a key role in helping children thrive in high school. In this latest piece, Farrell uses her own experience as the mother of two high school-bound teens to provide insight and advice on how to help your student successfully navigate a new academic and social world. As the founder of TechTalks, a consulting group to help schools and families have productive conversations around social media and technology, Farrell is uniquely positioned to help families. 

“During these years, teens seek more independence, and their activities and friends play a central role, but this isn’t the time for us as parents to check out,” writes Farrell. “They will never admit it, and trust me it doesn’t always feel this way, but they need our presence now more than ever. Let them know we are there if they need us, always providing constant love and support. It can be harder to find time to connect, so try every day to talk to them — not just about classes and grades but friends and activities. They will try to push you away, but showing them that what is going on in their lives is important to you will make the high school transition and years easier for everyone.”


Read more on Marina Times here. 

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