Coast to Coast

The Importance Of Healthy Food

Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

In a recent article for Laker/Lutz News, our sister publication from Florida, a special contribution by Shari Bresin, the Family & Consumer Science Agent for the University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension Pasco County, details the importance of healthy food options at school and events. Foods served in today’s schools must comply with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) “Smart Snacks” standards; Bresin helps explain what those standards are:

  • A grain product with 50% or more whole grains by weight, with whole grain listed as the first ingredient
  • Foods that have a fruit, vegetable, dairy food or protein food, listed as the first ingredient
  • Combination foods with at least ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetable
  • Total 200 calories or less for a snack; 350 calories or less for an entrée
  • Have 200 mg or less of sodium for a snack; 480 mg or less for an entree
  • Contain 35% of calories or less for total fat, in snacks and entrees; nuts are exempt from this rule
  • Contain 10% or less of saturated fat for snacks and entrees
  • Have 0 grams of trans fat for snacks and entrees
  • Contain total sugars for snacks and entrees of 35% or less, by weight
  • Milk must be unflavored or flavored fat-free milk; flavored low-fat milk; unflavored low-fat milk, and milk alternatives
  • Juice must be 100% fruit or vegetable juice

Outside of school hours, however, the rules are different.

Read more on Laker/Lutz News here.
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