Lately I have been reading “Sketches from a North Beach Journal” by Ernest Beyl in the Marina Times. Last month lo and behold is his best — “The Last of Capp’s Corner?” This ensemble is a home run. Right down to the last Beat.
—Tom Whelan
San Francisco

Almost two years on from one of the worst city meetings on record, a compromised but mostly forward-looking final plan for Polk Street’s redesign will be presented before the SFMTA board very soon.
Folks for Polk’s “Checklist of Expectations” is the result of many meetings and advocating for the best outcome for the majority. We’re optimistic that many suggestions from our November 2013 wish list of recommendations will be in the final design.
There will be something for everyone on the new Polk Street, no matter how you get around. Currently, Polk is one of San Francisco’s high-injury corridors, so much of it addresses the public’s concern with road safety and San Francisco leadership’s support for Vision Zero, the goal of eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2024.
Changes will include better lighting, enlivened alleys, signal timing adjustments, more disabled parking and loading zones, relocated and revamped Muni stops, landscaping, state-of-the-art bicycle paths, and a host of measures known to create safer intersections. Preview all of what can be on our checklist (bit.ly/PolkFinal), and stay tuned for the unveiling.
—Madeleine Savit
Founder, Folks for Polk
San Francisco