The In-Box

Brooke Jenkins Protects Victims Rights and Deserves Our Vote

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins has done an outstanding job as D.A. and deserves to be elected on November 8. I speak for myself as a Vietnamese American and Asian American, and for Chinese Americans in San Francisco.

I was brutally attacked and assaulted in front of a supermarket in San Francisco’s Chinatown on November 12, 2019 in broad daylight by 2 individuals who also verbally threatened to kill me. The adult assailant was arrested for terroristic threats, elder abuse, and battery.

Shortly before these individuals attacked me, they and their family had gone to a Chinese Ginseng  and Chinese Herbal store to threaten the store owner there, his employees, and his customers. Later that night, they attacked a Chinese woman in Chinatown, but when the police asked her if she wanted them arrested, she declined.

I had appeared at several court hearings to seek justice for myself. Throughout the course of my case, the San Francisco D.A.’s office under the previous administration, Chesa Boudin, violated my victim’s rights under Marsy’s Law flagrantly and with impunity.

At one Court Hearing, the presiding judge stated to me, “The D.A.’s office should have notified you (of your victim’s rights) because that’s the law.  That’s Marsy’s Law.”

In a subsequent Court Hearing, another judge apologized to me for the system’s failures in my case.

The previous D.A.’s office had dropped the 2 felony charges against the adult assailant and let him plead to a misdemeanor with probation without consulting me, in violation of Marsy’s Law. There was no accountability whatsoever.

At the Town Hall Meeting in San Francisco’s Chinatown on August 17, 2022, D.A. Brooke Jenkins was asked this question:

“Since January 2020 (when Boudin took office) up to the present, there have been many anti-Asian Hate Crimes, including brutal attacks and assaults, stabbings, shootings, killings, and murders. “Would the special investigative unit created by D.A. Jenkins, with Assistant D.A. Nancy Tung heading it, review all those cases from January 2020?”

D.A. Brooke Jenkins stated that she and Assistant D.A. Nancy Tung would review all those cases.

We Asian Americans in San Francisco know that D.A. Brooke Jenkins has brought sanity back to the San Francisco District Attorney’s office. We are hopeful that D.A. Brooke Jenkins and her administration will fully protect the rights of all Chinese Americans, Vietnamese Americans, and Asian Americans.

D.A. Jenkins brings to her office her bold leadership and her integrity, and her commitment to public safety for the people of San Francisco.

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins deserves to be elected on November 8

Anh Lê 

San Francisco

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