Police Blotter

Crime on the beat

The crimes below are a small snapshot of what the officers of Northern Station are doing. For a more comprehensive list, visit; under Compstat, there is a link to CrimeMAPS.

Friday, Sept. 20, 9:15 p.m.
Fulton and Gough Streets


In response to a call about an “aggressive” male subject trespassing in an apartment building, officers arrived and learned that the subject had previously been removed from the premises but continued to return and try to enter locked apartments. This had been going on for four days.

The subject was immediately confrontational with the officers, and he refused to show them his hands or submit to being handcuffed. When the officers tried to pat search him for weapons, the subject began to flail his arms around before the officers could get ahold of both. He began screaming, “I’m a Moorish sovereign citizen — I’m a free man,” and he lifted his legs, forcing the officers to hold him up. The officers finally got him handcuffed and called an ambulance to come and evaluate him.

The apartment property’s security personnel signed a citizen’s arrest for trespassing and battery. Due to the likelihood of his repeating the trespassing offence, the subject was booked at Northern Station.

Saturday, Sept. 21, 10:57 p.m. and 2:35 a.m.
Broadway and Larkin Streets, Van Ness Avenue and Chestnut Street

When officers arrived at the scene of a non-injury accident, they discovered the driver at fault for causing the accident might have been under the influence of alcohol. Removing him from his vehicle, they needed to hold him up to prevent him from falling down. The driver was unable to perform sobriety field tests, and the officers observed numerous signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication, and arrested the subject. He refused to submit to a blood or breath test; he surrendered his license and driving privileges. He was cited and released to his nephew at Northern Station.

Just a few hours later, patrol officers observed a female driver throw a lit cigarette into the street, a violation in itself. They pulled over the vehicle to issue a citation, and when an officer asked for her California license and proof of insurance, she handed the officer a receipt for auto repairs and said she didn’t have her license on her. The officers smelled a strong odor of alcohol from inside the vehicle, and the driver spoke in a slow mumbling tone when she told them she hadn’t been drinking. She told them, “I’m driving home from home.” She performed unsatisfactorily on field sobriety tests, and was booked at Northern Station.

Sunday, Sept. 22, 3:40 a.m.
1125 Fillmore Street

A cab driver came into Northern Police Station to request assistance removing a drunken passenger who had passed out in the rear of his cab. The officer on front counter duty attempted to remove the subject who was in a deep sleep in the back seat, but the subject refused to move. There was an overpowering smell of alcohol in the back of the cab.

Finally successful in removing the subject, the officer attempted to sit him down on the sidewalk, but the subject veered into the roadway and the officer had to grab him to prevent him from walking into moving traffic. The subject became aggressive and took a swing at the officer. The cab driver tried to assist the officer and was bitten on the arm by the subject. Several officers arrived and assisted taking the subject into custody; he was handcuffed and later booked at County Jail.

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 8:47 a.m.
Ivy and Buchanan Streets

An Onstar employee reported the location of a car that had been reported stolen and was being tracked. Following the updates from the Onstar contact, officers soon located the vehicle and removed its two occupants without incident. As the female subject exited the car, officers saw a key fall to the ground from the area of her lap; they determined that the key belonged to the stolen car.

The driver said that she didn’t steal the car; she said she was simply sitting in the driver’s seat until her friend returned from the liquor store. They were in the car to smoke marijuana and hang out; she said she had no idea the car was stolen.

The officers found burglary tools, stolen property, miscellaneous pills, and marijuana in the car. They field tested the drugs with positive results. The subjects were booked at County jail.

Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1:03 p.m.
Fillmore and Hayes Streets

Officers pulled over a vehicle with expired registration and issued a citation to the driver. The rear seat passenger told officers that he was currently on probation, which allows officers to search him and any vehicles associated with him without a warrant. The occupants were removed and the vehicle searched. In the back seat, they found a removable area of the seat cushion, under which they discovered several baggies of methamphetamine. The subject told officers the drugs belonged to him, and a field test of the drugs was positive. The subject was arrested. During a booking search of the subject, officers found in his pockets items commonly used by auto burglars.

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